Therapy for individuals, couples, and families in Minneapolis


Hi, I’m Remi.

I am passionate about helping individuals and couples work through trauma, grief & loss, life transitions, depression, anxiety, spirituality, and all of life’s difficulties.

My promise

I will never judge you, but I will hold you accountable. I will never force you to do anything, but I will challenge you to challenge yourself.

Counseling Services


Individual Therapy

I will work with you one on one to address your various concerns and symptoms. However, keep in mind that I work with a systems lens, meaning that you as an individual are a part of various systems. Many times, symptoms are connected to what is going on within a relationship/system. Hence, sometimes individual therapy can lead to couples or family therapy.

Couples Therapy

With couples therapy, the relationship is the client. In the beginning of us working together, I will meet with each of you separately/individually to get an understanding of what the concern/s are from each of your perspectives. Sessions will primarily take place together as a couple, however, I may meet with you individually as we progress through treatment.

Family Therapy

Family therapy is similar to couples or individual therapy. I will meet with family members separately as well as together. Also, family can include anyone and is not limited to those linked to you biologically. Family therapy can consist of yourself and one other family member OR yourself and several of your family members. We will work together to establish what that will look like.


Start your healing journey

Client’s Rights & Responsibilities

Client’s Bill of Rights put forth by the MN Board of Marriage & Family Therapy

  1. to expect that a therapist has met the minimal qualifications of training and experience required by state law;

  2. to examine public records maintained by the Board of Marriage and Family Therapy which contain the credentials of a therapist;

  3. to obtain a copy of the code of ethics from the State Register and Public Documents Division, Department of Administration, 117 University Avenue, Saint Paul, MN 55155;

  4. to report complaints to the Board of Marriage and Family Therapy, University Park Plaza Building, 2829 University Avenue SE, Suite 330, Minneapolis, MN 55414-3222;

  5. to be informed of the cost of professional services before receiving the services;

  6. to privacy as defined by rule and law;

  7. to be free from being the object of discrimination on the basis of race, religion, gender, or other unlawful category while receiving services;

  8. to have access to their records as provided in Minnesota Statutes, section 144.292;

  9. to be free from exploitation for the benefit or advantage of a therapist.

Additional Client Rights

Clients also have the right:

  1. to give informed consent

  2. to make independent decisions

  3. to receive prompt and reasonable responses to questions

  4. to refuse to disclose information, although this refusal may compromise the benefits of therapy

  5. to terminate therapy

  6. to know about the process of therapy (see Important to Therapy page)

Client Responsibilities

Clients are responsible:

  1. to ask questions for clarification and to correct misunderstandings

  2. to express concerns

  3. to be honest with the therapist

  4. to be respectful to the therapist’s person and property

  5. to actively work and invest effort during and between therapy sessions

  6. to make full and timely payments

  7. to come to appointments on time and as scheduled

  8. to give 24 hours notice of cancellation of appointments